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Corporate Fitness with Adriano
Build a more united and happy team

Benefits on Employees

• Reduced cardiovascular diseases and general healthcare costs

• Increased happiness, morale and job satisfaction

• Increased mental health

• Reduction of stress

Benefits on Business

• Increase quality and quantity of job performance

• Reduction in extra effort exerted to perform the work

• Reduced employee absenteeism rates arising due to health issues

• Increased performance in creative thinking and problem-solving

In person trainings and events happen in the regions of Amsterdam, Amstelveen and Haarlem, in the Netherlands.

Workplace exercise

Fitness exercises right at the work site?! Yes, why not! Why to waste time to get somewhere, if we can do it right in your office or outdoors near it. 

It can be a longer one-time session or short 15-30 minutes trainings few days a week regularly, so it become a great uniting routine! 


One of the best ways to relieve stress and prevent burning out? Definitely boxing! It boosts whole-body strength, improves heart health, helps to loose weight and what is the most important it is super fun.

Training combines both boxing techniques with strength exercises.


Something more calm then boxing is pilates. We can arrange both reformer and mat ones.

Pilates is a safe and sensible exercise system. It increases core strength, improves posture and helps relieve tension in your shoulders, back and legs.

Pre & Postnatal

Amazing high-intensity training that bring together everyone involved. Whole-body exercises that will burn a lot of calories. 

So if you want to sweat, this one is a great option!



Lower you can find the photos from my previous corporate fitness events and trainings, 

among others a team training for Adidas®


Increase happiness, welfare and
productivity of your team

If you have any questions or you would like to discuss the details, please feel free to contact me. You can do it both by filling the form below or directly on the contact page. 

Increase the
productivity of
your employees
through physical

Turn your
fitness program
into a powerful community

employees into
feel happier and
healthier both at
work and home